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"I look down at the people and I think about how everybody's got problems. Maybe not a secret government agency on their ass, but, you know... problems. And if I sit up here long enough, I start to feel like I'm just one of those people... a regular girl. ." +++ DA

Friday, June 20, 2003

that made me remember what my aunt always say about me - that i'm like this because I'm young and idealistic. i haven't learned to compromise.

Now by compromise, she doesn't mean being agreeable and solving things peacefully. She meant that i give in all the time even if what's happening is wrong and downright against the law and vioaltes severalpeople's rights.

All I can say is, I may be a spitfire, but at least I have fire! It's so hard to move people without any purpose in life or people without anything driving them to do better. I may be idealistic, but at elast something spurs me on. unlike those who just sit there and watch life pass them by everyday of their lives.


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