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"I look down at the people and I think about how everybody's got problems. Maybe not a secret government agency on their ass, but, you know... problems. And if I sit up here long enough, I start to feel like I'm just one of those people... a regular girl. ." +++ DA

Saturday, November 08, 2003

from persona-non-grata

...or at least i prefer to call her that. you may call her orangesparklebliss.

she left a question in her blog: In the Matrix trilogy, why are all the humans have funky names like Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, The Architect, while a robot is simply called Smith?


because Neo is a derivation on One - Neo being the One.

Trinity comes from the Catholic reference to the Blessed Trinity as the three Beings in One God (the One God brings you back to Neo much like God the Son is the savior of mankind).

Morpheus comes from morph - changes that happens to mankind and to anything at all in this universe which brings man closer to the discovery of himself and his purpose - whether man is for the One or not.

The Architect refers again to the Creator - whatever you wish to call it, but that which gave us being... substance and accidents... exitence by the way, the Architect is a program. The Architect comes from the machines.

Mr. Smith is a derivation of your average Joe (Smith being a common name) who lives his life not understanding anything not because he does not understand, but because he does not WANT to understand.

mr. Smith is every person wanting to ne someone, wanting attention, wanting power, wanting money, wanting to be the center of the universe thereby creating much more chaos and destroying anyone in his path. Mr. Smith is the average Joe. We are the Mr. Smiths of this world.

Neo or the One opens our eyes that what we would like to see as mere existence without purpose does indeed have a purpose; what we would want to leave up to destiny won't happen because everything amounts to nothing... unless learn not settle for wanting everything for ourselves to the destruction of others. it is then that we choose our path and life has meaning.


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